Group Argia SA Group Argia SA

Systems Integration

Management Assistance

NTT and WAN Data Services

OEM, 3rd Party & Technical Support Services

Information Systems Development

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Onsite/Offsite Consulting: Provding tactical and strategic intelligence (analysis of needs, definition of terms, subject matter expertise assembly, etc.) which assists the Functional Management of the company in creating the framework for a fully functional solution.

Product Selection Assistance: Consulting and assistance in the choice of solutions (Acquisition of tools, choice of data- base or operating system, feedback integration, etc.) as well as providing alternatives or second opinions.

Systems Integration: Making sure that all the pieces will work together using open and closed source applications, allowing economical implememtation of data warehouses, data supply processes and enhanced reporting tools.

Design and Development: Emphasizing user feedback so that reliable, clear, and appropriate information is available (reporting tools, simulation tools, reports, etc.) to management, staff and clients/vendors.

Administration Assistance: There's more to a solution than implementation. We understand the underlying technology, and can assist you in keeping the systems operational.




We provide an alternative to ISPs - we provide OEM data services to businesses in North America, Europe and Asia.

We're smaller than many domestic firms, and yet we offer multi-national expertise and umbrella services including remote access, media streaming, ASP services, hosting, co-location, email, offsite backup, dialup and many more.

With representatives in the United States, Canada, Mexico, England, France, China, Vietnam, Japan, Portugal, South Africa and Australia, we're remarkably flexible and easy to talk to.

Argia North America
NTT/Verio Communications
XO Communications
Time-Warner Telecom
Qwest Communications
Verizon Telecom
Comcast Business

Cisco Systems
Mandriva Linux
Ubuntu/Debian Linux
Sun Microsystems (Solaris)
Novell/Suse linux