Systems Integration
Management Assistance
NTT and WAN Data Services
OEM, 3rd Party & Technical Support Services
Information Systems Development
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Information Technology:
New technology comes and goes with amazing regularity. We may have more choice, but the problems any business faces in the IT field are no different than those faced 30 years ago.
"big four" (cost, correctness, user acceptance and scalability) have
not changed since the early 1970s - and dozens of businesses around the
world had been dealing with these same issues in the early 1960's.
What's wrong with Trivial IT:
Technology is complex. Every expert will confirm this, as will the people who hire and fire them.
the tools we use today to the tools we used just six or seven years
ago, and you'll discover something amazing: Complexity is often an
excuse for incomplete work. The hallmark of complexity is easy to spot:
Lots of trivia to memorize.
For almost a decade, our firm has been solving problems big and small for companies like yours. Legal,
Professional and Financial Services
clients represent over 60% of our customer base, but we've also solved
complex problems in Manufacturing, Distribution and Healthcare.
From online banking to process control and company security, we've been
making things work and solving unusual problems for clients in 21 states
and 9 countries around the world.
When you need someone to represent your business interests in a complex technical situation, we can help. We specialize in third party liason
- helping your vendors, consultants or clients overcome temporary
problems that can bring progress to a halt or stall a project at a
critical moment.
We can identify the issues, provide straightforward explanations,
identify missing information and help resolve the problem - often by
providing technical assistance, training and documentation where needed.
Our broad knowledge of the IT field makes us a useful resource
for IT departments which are spread too thin or require occasional
access to other expertise.
Under extreme cases, Non-clients can obtain support from us for certain UNIX/LINUX/WINDOWS and WAN/LAN applications. French,
Persian and Mandarin language assistance is generally available -
please contact us at least 3 hours prior to any conference calls.